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Emergency Procedures

The school follows specific procedures during the emergency, and both students and parents have to adhere to the responsibility set up by the school.

Responsibilities of Parents

  • Parents are to ensure that the school always has up to date information about the students.
  • Give complete cooperation to the school in compliance with its emergency procedures.
  • Parents give accurate feedback about what worked well in a debrief meeting after the emergency.

Responsibilities of Students

  • Follow all the emergency procedures as instructed by the school and participate in drills reinforced by the school.
  • Cooperate and follow school staff instruction during any emergencies.
  • Students should not use cellphones during an emergency.
  • Be vigilant during an emergency.

Evacuations & School Closure

Throughout the school year, there are regular evacuation drills to ensure that all the school community members are familiar with evacuation procedures. If the school needs to be closed for any reason, parents will be contacted by SMS or email. Students will be safe and sound in school until their parents pick them up.