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Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct for Parents

Parents are the first teachers to their children, and at Merry Angels School, we believe in partnering with parents to work together for the students’ emotional well-being. Below are few expectations from parents of Merry Angels school.

  • Read and promote school vision and mission.
  • Respect for all the school staff and other parents while communicating with each other.
  • Use appropriate and professional ways of communication with school staff members.
  • Be an active partner in students’ education by attending events and meetings organised by the school.
  • Keep themselves updated with school policies and follow them.
  • Resolve any issue or concern in a positive manner following the appropriate line of communications.
  • Every guardian is required to see that his ward wears the prescribed school uniform.
  • Guardians are expected to go through the reports of their awards given by the school from time to time.
  • Responsibility for sending the ward to school in time and taking him/her back after school ends. This is entirely the guardian’s responsibility if not using the school bus.
  • A guardian wishing to meet the ward in the school should seek prior permission from the principal.
  • Parents and Guardians are requested to notify the school of any change in address or contact details.

Code of Conduct for Students

Attendance & Punctuality

  1. Guardians should ensure that their wards do not remain absent except under unavoidable circumstances as it hampers the progress of the children.
  2. Guardians should send a leave note for the absence of their wards.
  3. A student suffering from an infectious disease will not be allowed to attend school.
  4. Irregular attendance and habitual absence will call for dismissal from the school.
  5. Absence on the opening day of school is not accepted when the application and conduct are not satisfactory.
  6. The faculty will not be obliged to provide make-up work for students who are absent from class. Students must ensure they make up for any work missed through absence.
  7. Students must come to school on time and be at least five minutes before the warning bell.

Dress Code & Appearance

Schools provide students with school uniforms at the beginning of the year. Students will need to dress neatly and be well-groomed. Within the school premises, students must be in school uniform, including Saturdays and Sundays if coming to school. Not complying with the school’s dress code policy may result in not allowing students to attend school. Students can inform the school in advance of an alternative dress code.

Face make-up and Accessories: Make-up like foundation, lipstick, eyeliner, nail polish not allowed on the school campus. Accessories like necklace, bracelets, finger Rings, long earning, fancy bangles are not allowed on the school campus. Students should be neat and presentable with short, tidy and well-combed hair for boys, girls to tie their long strands into plaits.

Cell phone and other electronic devices. Students are discouraged from bringing in school mobile phones or any other electronic gadgets like mp3 players and iPods. Students should not be using their cell phone during school hours.

Homework Guidelines

Homework helps develop independent study habits; homework should be viewed as an essential component of learning. Students should complete homework as per teachers guidelines. The time devoted to homework will increase as the student progresses through the school.

Academic Integrity

Integrity is doing the right thing when nobody’s looking. The school, through its different policy, will inculcate academic integrity among its students. Students guideline for implementing academic integrity: Students are expected to work individually, for assessment; whenever they collaborate with their peers, they should not copy each other’s works. Students should acknowledge any work which is not theirs, and if they are using it in their classwork, it should be acknowledged through a proper referencing style. The school would begin penalising malpractice of students during the exam and any work submitted to the school.